BFE 96 A pair of blue and white bowls

清康熙 青花花卉博古紋碗

Kangxi (1662-1722)

The bowls have steeply rounded sides and an everted rim. They are painted on the outside with six panels of alternate scholar's objects and antiquities and flowering branches. The interior is painted with six petal-shaped panels of flowering branches reserved on a geometric ground and encircling a central roundel of  a flower spray growing from rockwork.
The base is marked with the character yu (jade).
Diameter 13.5 cm

Provenance: An old Dutch private collection

A very similar bowl is in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and illustrated by Christiaan J.A. Jorg in 'Chinese Ceramics in the Collection of the Rijksmuseum, The Ming and Qing Dynasties', Amsterdam, 1997,
No 98  


BFE 96 清康熙 青花花卉博古紋碗
時代:清 康熙,1662至1722年。

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)