Chongzhen, c. 1628-1640
The dishes have rounded sides moulded with waved panels and lobed rims. Each dish is painted with a central roundel of a spray of peony enclosed by a reserve-decorated border showing two fans, chrysanthemun heads and cranes in flight. The cavetto of each dish is painted with a radiating motif of alternating flowers and bamboo, various geometric designs and plain blue and white panels, all below a zigzag border at the rim. The reverse is left white , the base has a sealmark fu within a double square
21 cm diameter
Provenance: Formerly in a Japanese private collection
Acquired from J.A.N. Fine Art, London
BFE 17 明崇禎 一組五件青花瓷盤
來源:原日本私人收藏。購於倫敦J.A.N. Fine Art。