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MF 44 A Ge-type censer
十八/十九世紀 哥窯系 雙耳爐
MF 12 A rare coffee-brown glazed dish
明萬曆 咖啡色釉白鶴盤
MFE 07 A Dehua small vase
十六/十七世紀 德化窯 仿青銅器雙耳瓶
MFE 09 A Dehua figure of Guanyin
十七世紀 德化窯 觀音像
MFE 02 A blanc de chine Dehua libation cup
十七世紀 德化窯 白瓷犀角式杯
MFE 43 A pair of Dehua Blanc de Chine Libation Cups, Jue
約1650 德化窯 白瓷仿青銅爵一對
MF 26 An unusual turquoise-glazed libation cup with indentation for a spoon
清康熙 珍罕綠松石釉螭龍杯
MF 50 An unusual green-glazed toad-shaped water dropper
清康熙 綠蛙形水滴
BF 13 A small blue and white and gilt vase
清康熙 青花描金童戲紋蒜頭小瓶
BF 70 A fine blue and white and underglaze-red dish
清康熙 青花釉下紅月梅紋盤
MF 47 A green-glazed 'bamboo-form' brush pot
清康熙 竹節式綠釉筆筒
MFE 16 An aubergine-glazed libation cup
清康熙 茄紫釉螭龍杯
MFE 13 An aubergine-glazed brushrest
清康熙 茄皮紫釉山形筆架
MFE 15 An aubergine- and turquoise-glazed ‘Cadogan’ winepot
清康熙 茄紫孔雀藍釉酒壺
MFE 19 An aubergine-glazed peach washer
清康熙 茄皮紫孔雀藍釉筆洗
MFE 17 A small turquoise-glazed vase
清康熙 松石綠釉瓶
MF 23 An unusual biscuit brushrest
清康熙 觀音山形筆架
MFE 26 A small turquoise-glazed figure of a Buddha
清康熙 孔雀藍釉佛像
MF 05 A reticulated turquoise-glazed brushrest
清康熙 孔雀藍釉「連連有福」筆架
BF 72 A rare pair of blue and white and coral-red 'kinrande' dishes
十七世紀晚期 青花金襴手樣式盤一對
MF 25 A Dehua Blanc de Chine vase
十八世紀中 德化窯 獅耳梅瓶
MFE 39 A gilt-decorated blue-glazed kendi
十八世紀 描金藍釉軍持
MCO 04 A small yellow-glazed dish
清光緒 黃釉瓷盤
MFE 20 A pair of black painted green-ground kendis
十九世紀 綠地黑彩軍持一對
MFE 14 A ‘Robin’s Egg’ small waterpot
十九世紀早期 爐鈞釉水盂
MF 41 A pair of Dehua Blanc de Chine figures of Magu and deer
十九∕二十世紀 德化窯 麻姑獻壽像一對
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