MF 12 A rare coffee-brown glazed dish

明萬曆 咖啡色釉白鶴盤


Wanli period(1572-1620)

The dish is of shallow saucer form with rounded sides and barbed rim.and covered with a coffee-brown glaze inside and out. The centre is painted in white slip with a crane in flight with black beak, eye and legs amongst white clouds  below two moulded rows of ruyi heads on the well and below the rim. The outside has moulded rows of textile pattern and a border of lappets encircling the foot.

Diameter 20 cm


MF 12 明萬曆 咖啡色釉白鶴盤
時代:明 萬曆,1572至1620年。

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)