BF 94 A fine blue and white saucer dish

明萬曆 青花白鶴雲朵紋盤

Wanli period (1572-1620)

The shallow dish has rounded sides and is painted in the interior with a roundel enclosing four cranes in flight amongst numerous clouds, all reserved in white on a blue ground below a cross-hatched border encircling the rim.
The reverse is painted with two thorny branches. The base with a fu character within a double square
Diameter 19.3 cm

A very similar but smaller dish with a fu seal mark is in the Butler Collection and illustrated in Teresa Canepa and Katherine Butler: Leaping the Dragon Gate, The Sir Michael Butler Collection of 17th Century Chinese Porcelain, 2021, no III.1.129


BF 94 明萬曆 青花白鶴雲朵紋盤  


Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)