BFE 32 A blue and white dish

明天啟/崇禎 青花八吉祥紋盤

Tianqi/Chongzhen, c. 1630-40

The dish has deep rounded sides and a broad upturned rim. The centre is moulded with a raised middle section. The reverse has a broad inward facing unglazed foot. The domed centre is painted with a stylized flower-head encircled by eight interlinked ruyi heads below a border of lappets. The cavetto is painted with the Eight Buddhist symbols, the rim with four ruyi-shapedpanels of geometric patters between a flower spray.The reverse is painted with two freely painted orchids below three prunus sprays encircling the rim.
Diameter 19.4 cm

Two similar dishes from the Lurie Collection are illustrated in: Teresa Canepa, Jingdezhen to the World, The Lurie Collection of Chinese Export Porcelain from the Late Ming Dynasty, 2019,  No. 92
An almost identical dish from the Butler Collection is illustrated in Teresa Canepa and Katharine Butler, Leaping the Dragon Gate , 2021, No III.1.152, Inv. No. 1137
Another example is illustrated by C.J.A. Jorg in Oriental Porcelain, A Choice from the Boymans-van Beuningen Museum Collection, Rotterdam, 1995, No 2.


BFE 32 明天啟/崇禎 青花八吉祥紋盤
時代:明 天啟/崇禎,約1630至1640年。

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)