BFE 49 A pair of blue and white small dishes

清康熙 青花四爪龍紋盤一對 六字楷書款

Kangxi mark and of the period(1662-1722)

The dishes are of flat form with short rounded sides and everted rim. They are each painted with a roundel of a fierce four-clawed dragon amongst flames and clouds below a double line border and white prunus on a blue wave ground encircling the rim. The exterior is painted in the sides with a leafy lotus scroll below a scrolling ruyi border encircling the rim. The base has a six-character mark of Kangxi .
Diameter 16 cm


BFE 49 清康熙 青花四爪龍紋盤一對 六字楷書款
時代:清 康熙,1662至1722年。

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)