BFE 11 A blue and white dish

十六世紀 青花松鼠靈芝紋盤

16th century

the shallow dish is painted in the centre with two squirrels on a bamboo tree beside a frog seated on one of two large lingzhi , the everted rim with a border of nine egrets in a lotus pond. The reverse has two flowering branches below two floral sprays at the rim 
Diameter 19.2 cm.

A comparable dish but with a barbed rim is illustrated in Daisy Lion-Goldschmidt, Les Porcelaines Chinoises du Palais de Santos, Arts Asiatique, 1988, No 71, p. 35, where it is dated 3rd quarter 16th century 


BFE 11 十六世紀 青花松鼠靈芝紋盤

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)