BF 98 A pair of blue and white dishes

清康熙 青花鳳凰人物紋盤一對

Kangxi period (1662-1722)

The shallow dishes are painted in a strong blue colour, in the interior with a scholar seated on a circular cloth on a river bank near a small bridge. He is holding a lotus spray, books and a vase are behind him. An attendant is approaching holding a vase with a lotus. Two large phoenixes are hovering above. The sides are painted with four panels enclosing stylised flowers reserved on a trellis-diaper ground. The everted rims with a frieze of flower sprays. The base of each has a lingzhi mark
Diameter 21 cm


BF 98 清康熙 青花鳳凰人物紋盤一對

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)