BF 85 A Ming blue and white betel nut box and cover

明萬曆 1610-1613 青花檳榔蓋盒

Wanli (c.1610-13)

The bottom part of the box is of rounded rectangular shape with indented corners resting on a tapered foot and is divided in the interior into two compartments. It is painted to the sides with a tuft of long grasses, the short sides with a pearl encircled by four dots. The flat cover is of conforming shape with a lightly domed top painted with a rectangular panel with indented corners enclosing flowering branches of peony growing from rockwork near bamboo. The sides have a stylised feathery branch divided by a ribboned lozenge on the shorter sides.
Length 12.5 cm

For similar oval and rectangular betel nut boxes see Maura Rinaldi Kraak Porcelain, A Moment in the History of Trade, London 1989, pp.188-89

An oval betel box is seen on a still life painting by Gerrit Willemsz. Heda, c. 1650 in the National Gallery, London


BF 85 明萬曆 1610-1613 青花檳榔蓋盒
特徵:盒身呈圓角矩形,底足錐形。盒子內部分為兩個隔間。器身一側描繪長草,另一側則繪珍珠紋,蓋頂開光內描繪在竹石附近綻放的牡丹花。一件外型相似的青花檳榔盒見於荷蘭靜物畫巨將赫特(Gerrit Willemsz. Heda)1650年的靜物畫(收藏於倫敦國家美術館)。

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)