BF 83 A fine blue and white and yellow-green double-gourd vase

清康熙 青花並黃綠釉葫蘆瓶

Early Kangxi (1662-1722) c. 1670-1680

The main lower globular bulb is covered with a yellowish green glaze highlighted on the shoulder with a brown band encircling a blue and white border of circular and diamond- shaped floral border below the waisted center. The neck consists of two rounded sections, the lower painted with three panels of a stylised lotus flower reserved on four rows of zigzag pattern below a border  of overlapping petals on the beehive-shaped upper section. The long cylindrical neck has a band of long overlapping petals below a band of zigzag pattern surmounted by an everted rim dressed in brown.
The base has a four-character mark in underglaze blue: fu gui jia qi (beautiful vessel for the rich and honourable)
Height 17 cm.


BF 83 清康熙 青花並黃綠釉葫蘆瓶
時代:清 康熙早期,約1670至1680年間。

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)