BF 13 A small blue and white and gilt vase

清康熙 青花描金童戲紋蒜頭小瓶

Kangxi C. 1700

The vase is of pear shape and has a long, slender neck surmounted by a garlic mouth. It is painted around the body with two boys in a lively pose holding aloft a paper windmill, between two ornamental rocks, all in underglaze-blue heightened in gilt. The vase is further embellished in gilt with flowering branches of lotus repeated on the neck.  The gilt is applied in Europe at a later date.

Height: 13.5 cm

Provenance: Santos London


清康熙 青花描金童戲紋蒜頭小瓶



Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)