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EFE 04 A painted pottery Cocoon jar
西漢 彩繪陶繭形壺
EFE 26 A green-glazed red pottery brazier with roasting cicadas
東漢 綠釉紅陶火盆烤蟬模型
EFE 07 A green-glazed red pottery model of a stove
漢 綠釉紅陶爐灶模型
EFE 08 A green-glazed red pottery tripod with lid
漢 綠釉紅陶動物紋鼎
EF 38 A Yueyao model of a dog pen
西晉 越窯 綠釉狗圈
EF 62 A Yue stoneware water pot
西晉 越窯 四繫水盂
EFE 24 A straw-glazed figure-decorated jar
西元四至五世紀 米黃釉刻花紋罐
EF 18 A rare blue and sancai-glazed pottery pillow
唐 珍罕「太平有象」青花三彩陶枕
EFE 13 A sancai-glazed pottery tripod jar
唐 三彩三足鍑
EFE 09 A sancai model of a camel
唐 三彩駱駝像
EF 64 A large painted pottery model of a caparisoned horse
唐 彩繪陶馬
EFE 49 A painted pottery figure of a dwarf
唐 彩繪侏儒陶俑
EF 26/27 Two miniature sancai glazed figures of foreigners
唐 小型唐三彩西域人像兩件
EFE 06 A Qingbai brown-splashed pillow
五代至宋 青白釉獅形枕
EFE 16 A Ding type russet-glazed cupstand
北宋 定窯系柿釉盞
EFE 12 A Yaozhou celadon bowl
北宋 耀州窯青瓷碗
EFE 52 A Longquan Celadon 'Twin-Fish' Dish
南宋 龍泉窯 青瓷雙魚洗
EFE 19 A Jizhou splashed bowl
南宋 吉州窯黑釉碗
EF 29 A Qingbai carved bowl
南宋 青白釉雕花碗
EF 17 A Ding-type miniature figure of a boy
宋 定窯系 袖珍童子像
EF 23 A small Jian ‘Hare’s Fur’ teabowl
宋 建窯黑釉兔毫茶碗
EF 65 A small white-glazed ewer
宋 白釉盤口壺
EF 39 A 'Jun' bowl
宋/金 鈞窯 灰藍釉紫斑碗
EFE 11 A small junyao-glazed dish
金 鈞窯天藍釉小碟
EFE 27 A fine Huozhou yao stembowl
金或元 霍州窯高足碗
EF 37 A brown-glazed ewer
南宋或元 棕釉壺
EF 61 A rare Longquan celadon 'Turtle' stem bowl
元 龜游荷葉葵式高足碗
EF 25 An amber-glazed kendi
元 琥珀釉軍持
EF 58 A small painted Cizhou jar
元 磁州窯花紋小罐
EFE 15 A splashed Qingbai ewer and cover
元 青白釉蟠螭把壺
EF 33 A small Qingbai censer
元 小型青白釉陶瓷香爐
EF 34 A Qingbai water dropper
元 青白釉陶瓷滴水
EF 49 A rare Longquan celadon vessel
明 龍泉青瓷鏤花瓶
EF 35 A rare Longquan celadon double-walled brush washer and holder
明 龍泉青瓷 鏤空夾層筆洗
EF 41 A small Ming Longquan celadon vase
明 龍泉青瓷 牡丹紋雙耳瓶
MF 21 A Longquan celadon ‘Luduan’ censer and cover
明 龍泉青瓷 甪端造型香爐
EF 28 A Longquan celadon tripod censer
明 龍泉青瓷 菊花紋三足香爐
EF 30 A rare pair of pottery models of cupboards
明 陶瓷櫥櫃模型
EHU 10 A Neolithic black pottery eggshell beaker
龍山文化 蛋殼黑陶杯
EHU 04 A rare neolithic black pottery jar
EF 08 Two painted red pottery Models of Camels
唐 彩繪陶駱駝 兩件
EF 60 A Jizhou resist-decorated papercut bowl
南宋 吉州窯 剪紙貼花梅花紋茶盞
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