EFE 27 A fine Huozhou yao stembowl

金或元 霍州窯高足碗


Jin or Yuan dynasty
12th or 13th century

The thinly potted bowl has rounded sides flaring towards a slightly everted rim and rests on a splayed hollow stem.

It shows narrow horizontal wheel-turned lines inside and out and is covered with an ivory-coloured slightly grey-tinged translucent glaze of smooth texture forming characteristic 'tear' marks below the rim and at the lower part tending to a greenish tint.
The interior has five tiny spur marks.
The unglazed stem shows the near white body and is encircled by two double raised ribs.
Diameter 10.7 cm; Height 7.5 cm

For related stembowls see the Kempe Collection, Catalogue, nos. 423 and 424
See also Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, Volume One, Nos 511,512 for two comparable Huozhou stem bowls, 



EFE 27 金或元 霍州窯高足碗
尺寸:直徑 10.7 公分;高7.5 公分。

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)