MOS 01 An Yixing water dropper

十八/十九世紀 宜興桃形滴水


18th/19th century

The waterdropper is naturalistically formed as a peach and is moulded with a leafy branch ending into a spout which is partly covered with a transparant glaze. The stoneware is of an even purplish-brown colour.
7.5 cm wide

Provenance: Formerly in the collection of Jan Habbema, acquired in Indonesia prior to 1936, thence by descent in the family. Jan Habbema formed a vast collection of Chinese art whilst stationed as a Dutch high official in Bojonegoro, Indonesia, until 1936.


MOS 01 十八/十九世紀 宜興桃形滴水
來源:原為荷蘭駐印尼的高級官員Jan Habbema在1936年前於印尼購得的私人收藏,此後家族傳承。

Works of Art > Early Bronzes