S11 A red glass overlay 'Eight Horses of Mu Wang' snuff bottle

十九世紀 雪霏地套紅玻璃「穆王八駿」鼻煙壺


19th century

The bottle is of flattened oval shape and decorated with two rows of eight red glass overlay horses in various poses, all reserved on a snowflake white ground
Height 7.5 cm

Provenance: Collection of Gerinimo Berenguerde los Reyes, Jr.

The Eight Horses of Mu Wang alludes to the story of the fifth emperor of the Zhou dynasty (1023-983 BC) King Mu 穆王  who visited the heavenly paradise of Xi Wangmu. During this travel the emperor's chariot was pulled by eight horses, each having a special talent.


S11 十九世紀 雪霏地套紅玻璃「穆王八駿」鼻煙壺
特徵:壺身呈扁橢圓形,雪霏地上套紅玻璃製之八匹駿馬。傳說中周穆王(1023-983 BC)拜訪西王母天宮時,常乘坐八匹各有神通之駿馬所拉的戰車。
來源:Gerinimo Berenguerde los Reyes, Jr. 收藏。

Works of Art > Early Bronzes