S96 A sapphire-blue overlay glass snuff bottle

十九世紀 寶石藍料鼻煙壺


19th century

The plain bottle is of flattened oval shape with waisted neck and concave lip. The colourless bubble-suffused body is covered overall with a rich and translucent sapphire-blue layer except for the flat rim and recessed base.
Height 6.5 cm; carnelian stopper 

Provenance: The John and Gerda Reys Collection. Illustrated in the catalogue 'A Private Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles', Feng-Chun Ma Chinese and Japanese Art, Amsterdam 2016, No 4


S96 十九世紀 寶石藍料鼻煙壺
來源:John and Gerda Reys收藏,見於馬鳳春中日藝術圖錄《私人收藏中國鼻煙壺》(A Private Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles),2016年阿姆斯特丹,編號4。

Works of Art > Early Bronzes