Han dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.)
the front of this unusual piece is cast and pierced with a bird amongst foliage, the reverse with numerous short points. The handle is cast with a flying horse and a dragon terminal.
17.5 cm
A very similar piece was sold at Sotheby's London, 10 December 1991, Lot 22. Another similar piece from the Eumorfopoulos Collection in the British Museum was included in the International Exhibition of Chinese Art, London, 1935, Catalogue, no 562. Others are illustrated by d'Argence, The Hans Popper Collection of Oriental Art, pl. 25, and by Cheng Te-k'un, Archaeological Studies in Szechwan, pl. 67, fig. 1, who decribes it as a coin to ward off evil influence.
This type of object is also discussed by Singer, "Some Puzzle Pieces', Oriental Art, vol XVIII, no. 2, summer 1971, pp.157-161, and described as a file
WFE 04 漢 青銅銼刀