S35 An inside-painted glass snuff bottle

1973年 孫即杰作 玻璃內畫鼻煙壺


Signed Sun Jijie ((1945-2014), dated beginning of summer of the gui chou year, corresponding to 1973
One side is painted with The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove depicting the seven sages, some seated at a table studying a scroll, accompanied by an inscription including the subject and date; the other side with a scholar playing the lute surrounded by ladies and attendants, inscribed: 'playing the guqin under the plum blossom',
Height 5.8 cm


S35 1973年 孫即杰作 玻璃內畫鼻煙壺
特徵:壺身兩側描繪不同圖案:其中一側是竹林七賢圖,其中數名賢者圍坐方桌旁觀賞一幅卷軸,題詞「竹林七賢圖 癸丑年孟夏 孫即杰作」;另一側描繪一文人於梅樹下彈琴,其身旁圍繞著仕女與從僕,題詞「梅下撫琴 即杰作」。

Works of Art > Early Bronzes