S51 red overlay glass snuff bottle

十八/十九世紀 雪霏地套紅玻璃鼻煙壺


A red overlay bubble-suffused glass snuff bottle
18th/19th century

The rounded bottle with wide mouth is finely carved through the red overlay to the bubble-suffused glass on each main side with a jumping carp amongst tall lotus stems. Each narrow side is carved with a smaller carp above a lotus leaf. The recessed foot is surrounded by a wave border
5.3 cm high, jadeite stopper

Provenance: The John and Gerda Reys Collection. Illustrated in the catalogue 'A Private Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles', Feng-Chun Ma Chinese and Japanese Art, Amsterdam 2016, No 7

The depiction of fish in combination with lotus forms a rebus for 'May you continuously have plenty year after year' (liannian youyu)


S51 十八/十九世紀 雪霏地套紅玻璃鼻煙壺

Works of Art > Early Bronzes