EFE 15 A splashed Qingbai ewer and cover

元 青白釉蟠螭把壺


Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)

The ewer is of double-gourd form with globular lower bulb below the pear-shaped bulb set with a curved spout opposite the loop handle shaped as a chilong. It is covered with a pale lightly crackled bluish-grey glaze irregularly splashed with ferruginous brown spots. The domed cover has a loop knop. The base is unglazed.
Hight 12.5 cm

A closely comparable ewer is inthe Metropolitan Museum and illustrated by Pierson, S. ed., Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London, 2002,p. 130. Another is in the Victoria & Albert Museum online collection archive, museum number FE75&A-1975


EFE 15 元 青白釉蟠螭把壺

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)