BF 84 A blue and white carved and incised bowl

明崇禎 「哈察船貨」青花刻花紋碗

Chongzhen period, c. 1643

The bowl has steeply rounded sides supported on a high foot encircled by a double ring border. It is painted on the outside with leafy sprays of lotus, peony and chrysanthemum, the flowers are carved and incised under the glaze.
Between each flower is a hovering butterfly above a single spray. The inside has a central roundel enclosing a sketchily painted river landscape.
Diameter 18.5 cm

This bowl belongs to the several dozens of the ca 25.000 pieces salvaged by Captain Michael Hatcher in the South China Sea and sold in four auctions at Christie's Amsterdam in 1984-85

A similar bowl from the Hatcher wreck is in the Butler Collection and illustrated in Teresa Canepa and Katherine Butler, Leaping the Dragon Gate, The Sir Michael Butler Collection of Seventeenth-Century Chinese Porcelain, London 2021, No III.1.109a,b where the authors mention that this type was extremely rare or never seen before (p. 132)

Provenance: The Hatcher Collection 
                      East & Orient Company (label)
                      A Dutch private collection 


BF 84 明崇禎 「哈察船貨」青花刻花紋碗
特徵:外壁的釉下刻花圖案包括蓮花、牡丹與菊花,各色花朵之間均裝飾蝴蝶,碗心描繪河岸景觀。此碗是哈察船長(Michael Hatcher)自中國南海的沈船中打撈獲得的收藏之一,出售於阿姆斯特丹佳士得1984-85年。
來源:哈察收藏。East & Orient 公司(標籤)。荷蘭私人收藏。


Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)