BFE 56 A blue and white dish

十七世紀 青花長尾鳳紋盤

17th century.

The shallow dish is of saucer form with rounded sides. The interior is painted on the lower part with two confronting long-tailed phoenixes flanking separate cloud motives below a cloud cluster encircling a roundel containing the character ri (sun). The reverse has two bunches of grass pending from a double-line circle below the rim.
Diameter 20.4 cm

An almost identical dish is in the Idemitsu Museum of Art, Tokyo, and illustrated in the Catalogue  'Kosometsuke and Shonzui, The Blue and White Ceramics of Japanese Admiration', Idemitsu Museum of Art, 2013, Pl.26


BFE 56 十七世紀 青花長尾鳳紋盤



Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)