BFE 67 A blue and white Dish

明天啟 青花菊瓣松虎紋盤


Ming dynasty, Tianqi period (1621-1627)

The dish is moulded in the form of a chrysanthemum and painted in the centre with a tiger below a large pine and beside a lingzhi growing next to the pine, all below a swirling cloud and half of the sun appearing from a single blue line which frames the scene. The dish is covered with a thick greysh glaze with long chatter marks on the base.
Diameter 18 cm

A very similar dish but with two deer instead of the tiger is in the Butler Family Collection and illustrated by Julia B.Curtis in 'Trade Taste & Transformation, Jingdezhen Porcelain for Japan, 1620-1645, New York 2006, No. 61


BFE 67 明天啟 青花菊瓣松虎紋盤
時代:明 天啟,1621至1627年。

Ceramics > Early Ceramics (from Neolithic to Early Ming)